The World's Most Intelligent Platform for Real-Time Sign Language Translation

We stand as the world's largest and most advanced platform for real-time sign language translation Empowered by our virtual family of translators, we are dedicated to shattering the barriers that exist between the deaf and mute community and the society that surrounds them

Why Choose

Tamkin ?

At Tamkin, we've undertaken the responsibility of dismantling barriers that separate communities and dedicated ourselves to establishing a life of inclusivity for the deaf and hard of hearing, aiming to construct a fully integrated society where everyone can lead a fulfilling and normalized life

Support over 600 million

Deafness is a widespread condition that affects the lives of more than 600 million individuals globally a striking statistic reveals that approximately 85% of this community predominantly communicates through sign language, underscoring the paramount role that sign language plays in their daily interactions and relationships.

Break down communication barriers

Make the choice of Tamkin , for it stands as the paramount and often the sole means to bridge the communication gap between the deaf community and the wider society By selecting us, you enhance communication not only for yourself but also for your family, friends, and all those close to your heart, making interaction easier and more inclusive for all

Enhance educational opportunities

Educational opportunities for the deaf community are often hindered by the scarcity of educational materials available in sign language Accessing quality education can be a formidable challenge However, Tamkin has taken the initiative to bridge this gap by providing a comprehensive range of educational services tailored to the needs for the deaf community.

offer better job prospects

Job opportunities for the deaf community are often limited primarily due to communication challenges and field-specific restrictions Tamkin has addressed this issue by developing interpretation systems allowing companies to expand their workforce by hiring more deaf employees.

Improve access to healthcare

To ensure swift and efficient access to medical care the deaf community has faced challenges over the years due to the difficulty of conveying their medical concerns However, with Tamkin's innovative solutions that era has come to an end.

Foster cultural integration

To advance and deepen the cultural and heritage bonds among the various segments of a society as well as to nurture cross-cultural connections between different societies all in pursuit of the noble endeavor of preserving and cherishing our rich cultural identities traditions and heritage.

Bakry Saeed

CEO - Tamkin

"For many years, we have persevered and dedicated ourselves to this project, seeking the blessings of divine success this initiative harnesses the potency of technology and artificial intelligence to dismantle all barriers and obstacles, striving to unite all members of society seamlessly into one interconnected whole."

Documents for Seamless Project Access

Tamkin a Beacon of Hope for Millions, Simplifying Lives. Discover All You Need to Know About Tamkin


Idea Genesis

The inception of the Tamkin project predates 2015, yet the crystallization of its foundational concepts and the commencement of pivotal steps to develop the project's framework took place in early 2021.

Team Formation

Following three months from the conceptualization of the project idea, the primary focus was on assembling a team equipped with both experience and enthusiasm essential to navigate the significant challenges posed by the Tamkin project.

Business Plan

The comprehensive business plan for the next five years has been finalized. Simultaneously, the UI and UX designs for the app and website are completed, marking the initiation of development.


The development tasks for the website, databases and control panels have been successfully completed.

Artificial Intelligence

The initial phase of constructing the artificial intelligence engine for sign language translation has been accomplished.

Tamkin Family

Define the characteristics of the default sign language interpreters for the Tamkin family and select the suitable framework to establish the family structure and initiate the design and animation process for the 3D characters.

Smart Suit

The smart suit experiment commenced by integrating live translators with virtual counterparts on the Maya engine.


The initial integration of certain project features has commenced and testing of these initial features is now underway.

+ 10,000

words translated by Tamkin Family

+ 4.8

Average rating from Testers

+ 1000


Meet Our Team

Meet a few members of Tamkin’s team whose dedication and effort were instrumental in bringing forth this remarkable project.

A special thank you to all those working diligently behind the scenes to make this great project a reality.

Bakry Saeed

CEO of Tamkin

CEO and founder of Tamkin and the owner of the best social application for the year 2018, with over 15 years of project management expertise, he excels in transferring projects to the ecosystem. Notably, he leads with the best blockchain project idea.

Qasim El Murshidi

Head of Social Solidarity Team

An ambassador of social and humanitarian communication, with nearly 30 years dedicated to pioneering volunteer work. Recognized as a founding member of the Emirates Volunteer Association in 1994 and honored by the International Federation of Friends of the United Nations.

Mahmoud Fawzy

CTO of Tamkin

CTO boasts over 20 years of expertise in spearheading technological advancements across diverse projects, specializing in cybersecurity and adeptly managing multifaceted development teams.


Intellectual Works Rights Registration

Tamkin Sign Language Company obtained a certificate of registration of artistic works rights for financial and literary rights

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